No hay desafío que pueda intimidarla. Por eso, veces se encuentra realizando proyectos que ni ella misma imaginaba. Pili es periodista especializada en medios digitales, esposa y mamá de su pequeña Jacinta. Curiosa, sensible y sociable, le apasiona escribir sobre moda y bienestar. Siempre en busca de vivir mejor, hace un tiempo dejó de consumir harinas refinadas, lo cual impactó positivamente en su vida y su salud en general
There is no challenge capable to intimidate her. That’s why she often finds herself executing projects she did not even imagine. Pili is a Digital Journalist, a wife and mother to a little girl -Jacinta. Curious, sensitive and a social butterfly, she is passionate about writing about fashion and wellness. As she is always in search of a better lifestyle, she stopped consuming refined flours a while ago, which has had a positive impact in her life and overall health.